Saturday, August 31, 2024


by  shaun   armando   lawton  

F!E!A!R! fear fear fear fear fear fear 
fear fear it's what we breath eat shit
 and what we die for now right here    
Republican sponsored FEAR 
 Conservative engendered FEAR
 Politically motivated FEAR
 Profiteering YEAR AFTER FEAR
 at war with our soul it happens
 year after year FEAR's what all
 the road hog trucks are being filled 
with at the gasoline stations FEAR's 
 what all o' y'all's pretty silly tattoos
 are promulgating  FEAR's what
 we're made of when we stock
 our pantry with guns FEAR's  
what replaced our heart so long
 ago by now it must weight tons
FEAR's our middle name, our way
 of life, what we're advocating 
FEAR's our God and our sustenance
 and our legacy and strategy UNLESS
 we turn it around on a dime, and reclaim
 our civic duty, if we cared enough
 to get our youth to stop being AFRAID 
if we could only dare to call out its bluff
and put a STOP to the endless cycle 
that FEAR generates, right here, right now
let's put our FEAR in the ground 
and  grow a new crop this year, how 
does that sound? Aren't we sick of FEAR 
circulating round YEAR after YEAR? 

Another year of FEAR I can't stand it 
I won't take it anymore not now or here
besides it's not fair to have to fake it 
SHOVE OUR FEAR where the sun 
don't shine and if they can't hear what 
I'm saying then they're the ones
that are playing with a lit match in 
their own dried up back yards, go ahead 
and let them vote to lower the price 
of the gasoline we may as well just pour 
it over our own heads, unaware of the   
routes we chose to end up in the same 
old place good and dead, hey now let's 
not reflect our own hate off that mirror 
visor we've come to wear for a face plate, 
let's just be aware what hypocrites we are, 
or are we so weak we can't even show 
kindness to anyone who's not in agreement?
 I don't know any more, so I must remove
myself from both sides, but I won't be 
 caught in the middle of y'all's fire, so
that leaves me with no other option 
 but to keep on moving, with my head
  bent down low, watching my periphery
 wherever I may go, keeping my Spidey
sense sharpened and in tune, because 
 no one escapes from this prison of the moon.